2 Matching Articles for "Song Suffragettes"

CMA Fest 2018 with Missy: Tenille Arts

CMA Fest 2018 with Missy: Tenille Arts

2384 days ago / Missy Wolf

After getting to know up and coming country artist Tenille Arts during the 2018 Country Radio Seminar, I was excited to be able to sit with her again at CMA Fest to discuss what she has been doing since we last spoke. Kicking things off with her good news was a bit of a t...

CRS 2018 with Missy: Kalie Shorr

CRS 2018 with Missy: Kalie Shorr

2546 days ago / Missy Wolf

Sitting down with one of the original Song Suffragette's, Kalie Shorr, at CRS 2018 was an immediately fun conversation. Starting with discussing her extremely fun wardrobe, we quickly connected and realized that this interview was going to be quite entertaining. Befor...