J.D. Shelburne and The Scooter Brown Band | March 11, 2019
Scooter Brown Band : American Son | Season 1 Episode 10 : February 09, 2018
3 Matching Articles for "Scooter Brown Band"
CRS 2018 with Laura: Scooter Brown Band
There are a lot of really exciting things that come along with working as a journalist in this business, one of them being the ability to bring great new artists to you that you may not have heard of in the conventional means of mainstream radio or television. We recently i...
Press Release: Scooter Brown Band Releases Music Video For "American Son"
SCOOTER BROWN BAND RELEASES MUSIC VIDEO FOR “AMERICAN SON” (click for Downloadable Photo) Premiered Exclusively on The Country Network and Center Stage Magazine NASHVILLE, Tenn. (October 27, 2017) - Scooter Brown Band, ...
Scooter Brown Band Video Debut of American Son featuring Charlie Daniels
Scooter Brown Band releases the video for "American Son" exclusively with Center Stage Magazine TODAY! Featuring Country Music Hall of Famer Charlie Daniels, the title track "American Son" delivers powerful patriotism mixed with good ole' southern...