3 Matching Articles for "Jeff Bates"

CRS50 with Missy: Smith & Wesley

CRS50 with Missy: Smith & Wesley

2125 days ago / Missy Wolf

It is not often that I am spoiled with gifts during an interview, however, at this year's Country Radio Seminar in Nashville, Tennessee, brothers of the country duo Smith & Wesley came with a bag full of goodies. Complete with two of their CDs, chocolate, and wine, I...

CMA Fest Artist Spotlight: Jeff Bates

CMA Fest Artist Spotlight: Jeff Bates

3165 days ago / Missy Wolf

Our next CMA Fest Artist Spotlight is the extremely talented Jeff Bates. During our conversation backstage at Storme Warren's Nashville Navy Party, Bates shared with me all he has coming up and what performing at this event has meant to him. For more information on this fanta...

CMA Fest 2016 Nashville Navy Party and One Fan's Dream Come True

CMA Fest 2016 Nashville Navy Party and One Fan's Dream Come True

3166 days ago / Missy Wolf

To kick off CMA Fest right, we had to attend the biggest kick-off party in town. Storme Warren just held the 10th anniversary Nashville Navy Party on June 7th, 2016. The night was filled with great friends, many fans, laughter and more. One special fan even received a once in a l...